Do you have a budding Michelangelo in your family?
Does your daughter have a passion for creativity, but you’re unsure of how to cultivate it?

Do you wish for your child to develop their artistic talents?
Perhaps you desire to spend quality time together, painting and honing your child’s fine motor skills?

Or maybe you hope for your children’s love of fairy tales to inspire their creative talents, so they can avoid encountering the limiting state art education system too soon.
If your family boasts a little artist, Iva Art Club can be of assistance!

Who are we?

Tetyana Yagodkina and Hennadii Titov,
parents, professional artists, teachers, children and grandchildren of talented and renowned artists
Drawing upon our own experiences and those of our parents and grandparents, we have developed a program that we now offer to you!
We invite you to join our artistic family, where we can collaborate to develop, inspire, and teach our children together.
We are committed to sharing high-quality knowledge and skills with you, and we take great care in planning our lessons to ensure they are engaging and stimulating.
We are excited to open up the boundless and fascinating world of art to you!
Join our club